Is it a demotion when instead of reporting to a Director, I will report to a Sr Manager?


My boss (Director) has just told me I will report to a Sr Manager going forward. My current role is team lead. I will be focusing my attention to user satisfaction instead of helping out multiple verticals. Compensation, Position and number of people reporting to me won't change. They want me to have a higher profile and a more focused portfolio. Does it sound like a demotion? Should I get ready to be in the chopping block soon?

If your title did not change, then it's not a demotion. From the very limited information provided in the description itself, the most likely explanation is that it is either a promotion for someone (this Sr Manager) or an opportunity for someone to grow into a Director position.

It's also possible that your original reporting official has been promoted or removed from roles in some way, and this Sr Manager is the only person in a position to fill the role.

In any case, there's nothing present in the question that suggests this has anything to do with you.

There are two ways to view this

The first way, which is generally the more correct way is looking at your Job Title, Compensation, reports etc.

If these are all the same - e.g. you are still a Team Lead, still on $xxxx per year, still with the same team members under you etc. then No, it is not a Demotion.

The Second way, which I believe is what prompted your question is more philosophical:

There is a form of Demotion, if you have decreased your proximity to the levers of Power

Consider a simple Reporting line:

CEO > Head of Department > Team Lead (you)

You are 1 step removed from the CEO, Having a meeting with your Boss and your Bosses Boss would be the top echelon of the company. If your boss wasnt available for a reason, it is concievable that you would raise it to the CEO their absence and as a consequence - you would be professionally acquainted with the CEO.

This gives you a lot of soft power. The ability to have a casual catch-up and discuss a few work related issues etc. Maybe raise a suggestion or two - as you have a pre-existing work relationship with the CEO as your Bosses Boss.

Now, let us adjust this reporting line by adding an extra step:

CEO > Head of Division > Head of Department > Team Lead (You)

Consider the same as above - you, your bosses boss is the Head of Division and their ability to make calls is less than the CEOs

Comparing to the previous structure - let us say Division A (Engineering) has an issue with Division B (Sales). In the previous structure, you might raise it with the CEO, who (if the issue has validity) - would then instruct the Sales team to do XYZ.

In the new structure, you raise it to your Bosses Boss, they then have to go to either the Head of the Sales Division (who is at the same level as them and tell them to pound sound) or they then have to go to the CEO and raise it formally.

Your soft-power in an Organization has been decreased.

The degree to which this impacts you, however, is dependent on how much networking and cross-reporting line interaction you have. If you just come to work, do your job and go home and dont engage with either Office Politics or have situations where you regularly have to interact with other parts of the business - then this philosophical demotion is of little to no consequence.

If, however, you are someone intent on climbing the corporate ladder or regularly are in discussions with your director over matters, then this may have some impact.

Most likely, the Company is not intending it as a Demotion (see the first way) - and is just re-structuring - but there are circumstances where being further away from decision makes is a functional demotion of sorts.

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